Become a project manager

Firstly lets look at the functions of a PM in CRE8R DAO

This is a paid role. PM's can earn from total project budget just like creators. PM's are paid via Coordinape like creators. So be kind to your creators ;) Keep the clients happy so that they renew their package. And you can make good money!

  • PM's get the brief from sales/biz dev including deliverables, timeframes, notes on how the client wants to work, legal stuff etc

  • They help the client get onboard and ensure creators have all the info they need to get to work

  • They setup project management systems (we have templates for new projects).

  • They make themselves familiar with the project and with the creators in the dao

  • They may also produce / edit content do biz dev and preform general admin stuff

  • They create reports for the client and help with proposals which are primarily handled by biz dev

Does that sound like something you would like to do? If so read on!

To become a PM you first need to get the @cre8r role. And start working with an existing PM either on content OR just generally helping out. Say that you want to be a PM in discord and look for opportunities when new clients arrive. OR just go out an sign up a client IF you do that you can be the PM assuming you already have the creator role or can get it somehow ( hint its really not hard to get ;) ).

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